• The Kit comes with a rice-protein smoothie mix and a supplement to promote gentle detox.

  • You will be consuming the smoothie 2-4 times per day depending on the day.

  • For some days, you will only be eating fish, fruit, and veggies, (and the smoothie mix).

  • You can modify the diet guidelines based on your personal needs if necessary (just let me know).

  • You will be encouraged to drink plenty of water and to ensure regular bowel movements daily throughout the cleanse.


Jill Cruz, MS, CNS

Board-Certified Nutritionist

My name is Jill Cruz. I'm a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist. I also lived through a 15-year eating addiction. I overcame my unhealthy relationship with food by embracing three things: Slow Down, Supercharge and Sustain.


Now, I help other women like me, who are fed up with yo-yo dieting, to lose weight in a sustainable and enjoyable way without feeling deprived. How do I do this? By working with your nature, not against it.

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